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The 校董会

Box Butte General Hospital is governed by a five member 校董会. The Trustees are all volunteers, 每当任期届满时,从提交给博克斯比特县委员的申请人名单中选出. 

BBGH has been well served by a host of well-qualified and dedicated Trustees since 1976, coming from a wide variety of backgrounds ranging from health care providers to ranchers; business owners to CEOs. 

除非在当地媒体刊登的医院每月例会通知中另有说明, the Trustees meet the last Monday of each month at 12:00 p.m. in the hospital's Alliance Room. 董事会会议记录将于下周在当地报纸和BBGH网站上公布. The public is always welcome to attend.